El Santuario del Rock – La fuente underground #1 en Conciertos de Rock, Metal en Colombia

Slipknot despide a Chris Fehn

El ahora septeto originario de Iowa confirma que el percusionista Christopher Michael “Chris” Fehn ya no es parte de la banda.

Slipknot confirma que debido a los recientes reclamos legales interpuestos por “Chris” alegando recibir injustos dividendos como parte de su participación en las giras y ganancias de la marca de la banda ha sido despedido.

Noticia en desarrollo!

Slipknot’s focus is on making album #6, and our upcoming shows around the world, our best ever. Chris knows why he is no longer a part of Slipknot. We are disappointed that he chose to point fingers and manufacture claims, rather than doing what was necessary to continue to be a part of Slipknot. We would have preferred he not take the path that he has, but evolution in all things is a necessary part of this life.
Long Live The Knot.

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